About 25 of us gathered at MyPlace (Custom House) for the St Hilda's Digital Walk and not one went away without an exclamation of surprise at what they heard or saw. Jane Hackworth was noting where to find Steve Waller’s model of old Middlesbrough, council Adult Social Care staff were discussing how valuable were Border Voices and Richard’s photos to stimulate conversation among the elderly, visitors from AV Dawson delighted to find so many curiosities on their doorstep. Who would have guessed so many exotic and dramatic connections with faraway countries. Russian wolves? Mohawks? Really?
The walk covers such a small area, very accessible, but you can go at your own pace and watch videos or listed to audio clips which suit you. There’s also seating in the MyPlace garden which has 13 Border Voices, recollections from local people remembering the streets of St Hilda’s and what life was like there. Everyone went away thinking we would be back, this time bringing someone else, because you can’t help thinking, “Oh, so-and -so would love this!”
NB The MyPlace garden is only open during Custom House opening hours 9 -5 Tues to Friday. You may want to call the Custom House to check 01642 728015
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Great work